Отдых и Рыбалка в Карелии

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Hello, Evgeny! At you that is promised - is performed: the lonely house, a bath, the lake, fishing - mushrooms, a trip in Paanajarvi. Thank you! Wonderful time, all it was dreamed. Separate appreciation to Gennady for hospitality and to Sergey for transport.

Best regards, Dmitry. Tungozero, august 2016.


Rest, silent, most lonely from people, in a fishing log hut with a bath on the picturesque forest lake of Loukhsky district (Northern Karelia), in 40 km from the next settlement of Tungozero. Subject to fishing: pike, perch, whitefish, burbot, ryapushka, white fish, grayling (river). The main plus of the lake - a possibility of the organization of fishing and a transfer under any weather conditions.

Description of a lodge: a fishing log hut with a bath for rest and fishing on the coast of the forest lake, far from settlements, in 40 km from the next settlement. The one-storey lodge is intended for placement 6-7 persons, is in 30 meters from water. Inside: the oven, a table, plank beds with mattresses, pillows, blankets. Sleeping bags guests bring the. In 2015 to a lodge the spacious verandah and also an arbor, a pier is attached. The log hut is equipped with ware, an oil lamp, the gas stove. A bath near a log hut, on the bank of the lake. Lease of the snowmobile in the winter, in the summer - the rowboat, the motor-boat with the weak motor is possible. The transfer assumes a travel on the forest road about 5 km on water.

Cost of rent of the house (summer of 2019): 3500 rubles a day from group to 4 people. From above - 4000 rubles a day from group.

Additional services (the parking of the car, transfers, lease of the snowmobile, the generator, the boat, including with the motor) are paid separately.

Booking of a log hut:

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