Отдых и Рыбалка в Карелии

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Zhenya, hi! I want to thank for an opportunity to have a rest in the north of Karelia, 10 days flew by as one:) There was no wish to leave.

Dima Bushmarin, Tungozero, April, 2018.


It`s a good variant, if you want to enjoy beauty of wild northern nature with a "comfort". Here is an opportunity to catch fish on small lakes, rivers and on a legendary Kumskoe (Pyaozero or Topozero),where is a red fish (bull-trout, trout), grayling, whitefish. Here you may drive up to the house. Here is an electricity, WC, bath (sauna), cellular and more civilization benefits. The guesthouse is located in 650 km from Petrozavodsk (the capital of Karelia), 70 km from the finnish border Kuusamo-Suoperya. 120 km from the finnish airport Kuusamo, where you may easy to arrive by plane from Helsinki.

Description: The guesthouse Tungozero is located lonely on the suburb of the village, far from neighbors. 100 km from railway station Louhi, 120 km from finnish airport Kuusamo. The guesthouse is located on a bank of the lake Tungozero. Near the house is a pine forest. One-floor building consists from a terrace, hall (wc, summer flat, storeroom), living room (table, benches, sofa), kitchen (tableware, big refrigerator, microwave, gas stove, wood burning stove), 2 bedrooms: double bed, single and two-level bed. In the winter there is a biotoilet in the house. Also it has electricity, cellular, opportunity to drive up. Near the guesthouse there is a karelian bath (sauna), which heats with firewood. Bath has very soft steam. After it you have an opportunity to swim in the lake. On the bank there is a arbor with a table and benches. Near the alcove there is a place for a fire to cook a fish soup, kebab, to smoke fish. In the arbor there are a kettle for a soup, a brazier (for kebabs), an oil lamp (a box for smoking fish). The guest house is comfortable for 5-6 people. But is opportunity to accommodate more people. The guesthouse is wooden, was repaired in 2011. Receives guests all the year round.

The price: 4500 rubles per day from a group of 2 people and less. Extra place - 500 rubles per day. Supplementary services are paid separately.

An active rest with your family out-of-doors:

- a family rest in the summer, autumn: fresh air, walks in the wood to pick berries, mushrooms. Driving by the boat on the lake, visiting the nation park Paanajarvi (mount and waterfall Kivakka).

- a family rest in the winter, spring: skiing, driving on snowtubes, snowmobiles, fishing.

- a hot bath (sauna) near the guesthouse.

- a picnic outdoors: fish soup, made on a fire, kebabs, smoking fish.

- an active fishing: in the lake Tungozero, some forest lakes and rivers, in Kumskoe (Pyaozero, Topozero). Subject to fishing: grayling, pike, perch, red fish (bull-trout, trout), burbot. We orginize fishing with spending a night in a island in a forest fisherman house or just for day or morning-evening.

Location map: by the car you need to drive on a highway P21/E105 (Saint-Petersburg - Murmansk) to the intersection near Louhi, where to turn towards Pyaozersky-Suoperya (Russian customs). Also near 100 km, and you are on a place. A second option: 70 km from the customs Kuusamo-Suoperya. From the Europe you may arrive by the plane to Kuusamo, where we may meet you and orginize a tranfer to Tungozero. Our guesthouse on a Yandex-map, number 1 - http://maps.yandex.ru/-/CBrbVOjW

Booking the guesthouse Tungozero:

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